Deaf Unity Gala PowerPoint show

The one that was shown at the gala.


  • Sandra 18 years ago

    Joey, PERFCECT!
    Thank you for including those clips, PP and video shows from the Gala. It’s simply clear that we celebrated our community’s contributions to the protest and that we took the time to recognize and appreciate those who joined us in our efforts as well. It was not all about us, as if we were the only ones helping with the protest.
    Again, Joey – you’ve done a wonderful job! I’m donating some money to your ASL Vlog and I hope many others will join me in this effort in showing our appreciation for all the hard work you’ve done! 🙂

  • gally protester 18 years ago

    good powerpoint.. although i do have to ask: why aren’t the hunger strikers, especially david simmons, christine roschaert and larry vollmar not thanked for their hard work…. also darian burwell, the faculty and the staff who risked their jobs and thanking all of the 133 arrested? it hurt our feelings to see the above not thanked… let this lesson be learned.

  • Gally Protester 18 years ago

    Great PowerPoint!!! It seems that you all forgot about Noah Beckman, SBG President. Nothing mentioned about him at all. It is really disappointment. Not even invite him for gala. Not even one picture of him in powerpoint. what happened to you all guys?

  • TiredofWhiners 18 years ago

    To #3 (“Gally Protester”),

    “What happened to you all guys?”???!!!! Get off the Bay Area’s back and host a damn gala of your own!!!!!!!!!

    More likely- we should be asking YOU that question, “what happened to you??” for FAILING to DO anything to recognize ANYBODY!

    Of course, the Bay Area ain’t perfect, and some names were unintentionally left out. Feels like you’d rather us do NOTHING- not host a gala, not do a PP, not do a movie, not protest, and just sit down meekly!!! Well, if you are disappointed in us, FOCUS ON YOURSELF! And recognize YOUR HOMETOWN hero- perhaps your town did have a student protestor who was arrested?? Recognize him/her!!!! Get off the Bay Area’s back!


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