DPN20: “Our dream lives on”

Where has the time gone?? Remember the memorable Gallaudet President Now protest in 1988 that opened many opportunities for Deaf people? Now it is time to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the movement.  Bridgetta Bourne-Firl gives a detailed sketch about the upcoming DPN20 event to be held at Gallaudet University on March 8, 2008.


  • deaf wave 17 years ago

    wow, it has been 20 years.

  • Penny 17 years ago

    I do not want to be offensive here…was bridgetta signing a poem or was she sharing information about DPN? I was not sure…please pardon me.

  • Joey Baer 17 years ago

    Yeah – more likely both, Penny. It was truly inspirational! Look at ourselves, how long have we come since 1988? We continued to grow daily and show the world what Deaf people are made of!

  • Penny 17 years ago

    That is what I thought… I love to write poems…so that is why I asked.

  • debby 17 years ago

    When I was at Gally and the DPN 15 event was taken place at Old Jim, but deaf community’s spirit was not high enough for DPN 15 to be recognized I think because many young Gallaudet students had never heard of DPN. I think DPN should include in the history book at all deaf schools. It was awesome experience for everyone in 1988 who were there or the world heard when it happened and they should not be forgotten. Keep DPN alive forever!

  • J.J. Puorro 17 years ago

    Yeah, it’s been 20 years…I was in the 8th grade then…I remember watching on TV every night…

    Hope someone will do a vlog about the DPN20 event….

  • debby 17 years ago

    Bridgetta, 20 yrs ago but you still look young and can jump like you did 20 yrs ago.

  • Grant Laird Jr 17 years ago

    Good deal 🙂

    If you curious how DPN Protest started in 1988, you can watch video (30 minutes long) from Tim Rarus’s workshop at my blog.




  • Stephen Nover 17 years ago

    Hi Joey,

    DPN20: “Our dream lives on” is an excellent idea! Thank you for providing us a national forum for Deaf community to reflect upon Gallaudet’s 1988 protest and to celebrate our astonishing FEAT.

    Joey’s ASL Vlog is an excellent venue for the Deaf community and public. In addition, it is offering an EXCELLENT language model for ASL as our national language resource.

    Keep up the good work – You’re making a difference.


  • SnoopyFreak02 17 years ago

    Yikes, time flies!!! I was in first year HS in Holland.. I saw NEWS on TV in Holland.. Am also Gally Alumni.. smile.. I was there when DPN15 celebrate however there were not many ppl.. unfortunately..
    I wish I could be there for DPN20 this year but I wont be able there.. sigh!!!

    Unity for Gally!!!

  • Nick Vera 17 years ago

    WOW! I feel like we are “the quatum leap” in retrospective of DPN in 1988 with our young 1980’s memories.

    Congratulations to the DPN leaders to make this happen.


  • Sandra Goldstein 17 years ago

    Boy, I graduated from Gallaudet a loooooong time ago before DPN was born. I recalled that I wrote an article called BDPN . I used to write for Silent News for a long time. BDPN… I strongly believe that being a Gallaudet president must be deaf since birth. Born Deaf President Now (BDPN)…
    Jordan was born hearing and became first Deaf President even though he became deaf at the age of 21. He has a hearing mentality. Davila was born hearing and became deaf when he was 8 years old.
    We should have a Gallaudet president who was born deaf such as US President who was born in USA, not another country
    Born Deaf President Now!

    Go BDPN!!!!

  • Michael 17 years ago

    Wow, 20 years already. I guarded the gates at KDES. It was cold that night but it was worth the fight. Mike, ’91

  • RLM 17 years ago

    Bridget-Bourne Firl (BBF)always is a delight to chat with. She is an admirable person with many talents and potentials.

    BBF thrusted unexpectatedly into the DPN leadership which she admirely handled the tasks beautifully.

    BBF is one of the DPN leaders to keep the DPN flames going forever and forever.

    Real good to see BBF on the vlog presentation!

    I would like to see more of BBF engage in vlog ponderings what she have the vision for the Deaf American community.

    BBF is also incredibly good-natured person.

    ASLize yours,
    Robert L. Mason (RLM)
    RLMDEAF blog

  • Curious 17 years ago

    If you’re reading this…. care to explain why Jerry Covell isn’t invited to participate? thanks 🙂

  • Roy 17 years ago

    Wondering if I. King Jordan is being invited to the conf.?

  • E. Lynn Jacobowitz, Ph.D. 17 years ago

    Congratulations to students, faculty and staff members, alumni of Gallaudet University, sign language communities worldwide and future sign language children for making this happen 20 years ago and recent protest (Unity for Gallaudet “UFG”). We MUST celebrate these historical changes. Moreover, we must continue to remove more obstacles such as audism, eugenics, linguicism, oppression, racism and any -isms at Gallaudet and in all sign language communities worldwide. I am proud of all of you! You are the factor of these changes. Again, congrats!
    May the Worldwide Sign Languages force be with you~
    E. Lynn Jacobowitz, Ph.D.
    P.S. Joey, thanks for making this vlog/blog.

  • Nancy M. Carroll 17 years ago

    I think it is important to remember this victory and the opportunities that grew from that experience. May we continue to tackle the hurdles that come our way in attempt to be treated with respect and dignity.

  • George Adams III 17 years ago

    Dear Sir:
    I wish I could travel to Washington, DC, I dont think I am able, but if you can produce V Log about what is going on with 20 yrs. DPN. Please do so and let me know. I am sure other Deaf folks would like to view the V log.

  • Curious 17 years ago


    Thanks for your followup comment.

    Seemingly, you didn’t want to explain why Jerry chose to not participate. Am I right?

  • Patty Trek 17 years ago

    Hello Brigetta,

    You said :”If cannot go, can celebrate by watching DeafNation live that evening”

    How can I get that? I want to see!!

    Thank you very much! wow – 20 years, can’t believe it!!

  • John Critser 17 years ago

    Bridgetta Bourne-Firl, a renowned figure in the historic DPN protest, called for a true celebration of the DPN20 in continuing the “Our Dream Lives On” vision that brought identity to Deaf people around the world, which, in turn, established a stronger foothold in the hearing world, with Deaf leaders stepping up as role models for all Deaf children.

  • Joey Baer 17 years ago

    Patty –

    go to http://www.deafnation.com for more information of live streaming of DPN20 event.

    Thanks for asking!


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