Interview with Dr. Paddy Ladd (4 of 5)

Question: Is the term “Deafhood” only applicable to the United Kingdom?


  • Jessica 17 years ago

    Cool! I really liked what he said about how it is more important to grasp the concept rather than nitpicking over what word to use. Also that it is a starting point for other countries to see what applies to them and what doesn’t and helping examine their own experiences and to help them compare their experiences with others. I think this is my favorite part of the interview because it helps give me an idea what to look at.

    He seems like such a personable fellow. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Merle Baldridge 17 years ago

    Dr Padd said ’em exactly right. The more we have word to describe ourselves to anyone in the world in best way, we get more chance of being accepted. Right words are very powerful! Bless Dr Paddy.. Also for Joey too..

  • drmzz 17 years ago

    Concept matters, that’s true. I like the information sharing and rewriting of Deaf science or literature part.

  • Julie 17 years ago

    Right, focus on an insignificant part of the problem and you miss the big picture. I’m really enjoying this series of vlogs ๐Ÿ™‚

    That shirt is wonderful btw! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Justin 17 years ago

    After watching this part and I would say…..PAH! Something we can explains to another person ti understand more to what the person is doing to Deaf person. Get the country to acknowledge the problem that is overlook and we, Deaf people can be able to explain our feeling, our emotional, and out inner voice.

    Maybe just a English word but at least something we can explain between Deaf people and hearing people. If this the purpose to gain knowledge and respects. That’s where we need to go with our life in harmony….whenever we can to make it happens and clearer!

  • Platonic's Eye 17 years ago

    The idea of concept is very important to number of countries, but the definination in itself depend on each countries they would interpret the meaning of deafhood, I think in USA in general Deaf people understand the concept before they can examine in order to understand what Deafhood is all about that is what I am doing to understand the concept of what Deafhood is all about in order to help me to see the better understanding of what I do with myself as a whole Deaf person. See how much do the oppression affect me, that is my question. I think it is really big helpful for me!

  • John Critser 17 years ago

    Simply said, the concept is INTERNATIONAL. Oppression does not just happen in Britain, or the United States. It’s everywhere.

  • Sandra Goldstein 17 years ago


    I respect anyone’s comment but I have a right to disagree with Paddy. He mentioned that deafhood is a English word. No ! It is not a English word.

    Is Deafhood in the dictionary? Absolutely not!

    Let me give an example. Childhood is about being a child.

    Deafhood is about being a deaf ?? The “hood” is the suffix added to a noun to form another nown. Deaf is not a noun. Therefore the hood( suffix) cannot add to the word deaf because the word deaf is not a noun. Then we cannot use the term deafhood. We have to invent the word in place of deaf to add the hood.

    Paddy tried to use deafhood in place of deafness.

    President of Gallaudet University Bob Davila used the word deafness ( sign deaf and sign down for ness). Please view Bob’s Vlog ( January 23rd). He used this word, deafness . He is deaf himself yet he used the word deafness. Should he use deafhood in place of deafness? No because deafhood is not a English word. In other words deafhood is not acceptable in English because it does not follow the English rule….hood added to a NOUN, NOT ADJECTIVE.

    We should not use Deafhood. We cannot use the word because Paddy said so.

    I do not follow people because they say so.

    The concept is very clear. We need to create something in place of DEAFHOOD. We can mention problems that deaf people confront. We should not use the word, DEAFHOOD.

    How about BLACKHOOD?? The African Americans would not use BLACKHOOD because it is not a English word. The Black people feel oppressed too. The Black people and Deaf people have similar problems.


  • SGS 17 years ago

    Sarah, actually, “Deaf” is a noun. True, it is often used as an adjective, but if you go to, you will see a noun definition reading thus:

    รขโ‚ฌโ€œnoun 3. (used with a plural verb) deaf persons collectively (usually prec. by the).

    Then, again, if you look at the dictionary for word, “-hood”, it is defined as:

    a native English suffix denoting state, condition, character, nature, etc., or a body of persons of a particular character or class, formerly used in the formation of nouns


    So, it basically means the state, condition or character of the collection of the deaf people. Are you denying that the group of the deaf people do not have its condition, state or character?

    And besides, Sarah, English is powerful and flexible enough to allow us to expand on the words that accurate describe who or what we are. We do create new words, year after year. Here is an example from Oxford Dictionary announcing the new words being added to their dictionary.

  • Joey Baer 17 years ago


    I am curious. Does that mean we cant use the word, Audism, because it is not in the dictionary?

    Dr. Ben Bahan explained to us once that we can create new words (just exactly what SGS (#9) said above. Just wondering what your thoughts are. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Michele R 17 years ago

    Sorry to see some people stuck on terminology and English grammatical issues while the concept of Deafhood is clear. Languages are alive and progressing with the needs of the time: technology etc.
    As far as closed caption and voice over… the best way to learn a language (for hearing people) is to be immersed in it without a crutch. CC and Voive over could be an optional feature but, I sincerely believe the best way is to plunge.

  • Sandra Goldstein 17 years ago

    For SGS..My name is not Sarah. It is Sandra. Thanks for sharing with us. It is a fact that we learn three new things everyday.

    After I looked up, I realized that the Deaf is a noun…for example…Schools for the Deaf…Teacher of the Deaf, etc(DeafDeaf is a noun for the Deaf or of the Deaf

    I am deaf ( adjective)

    There are many Deaf people… adjective

    Clubs for the Deaf ( noun)

    Deafhood ( a noun)

    For Joey,

    Audism, audist…

    I was not aware that we can create words and spread the words to us to use. Who would print those words in the new dictionary??? Let us see the 2009 Dictionary to see if audism and deafhood are in the dictionary. Anyone can create a new word without being approved by whom??

    Millions of people would send out millions of words. The dictionary would hold an infinite number of pages. Such another word, PAH!

    Should we create new word genderism? generist???

    I will have to research on how to print new words in the dictionary to educate people with or without approval of ????


  • Sandra Goldstein 17 years ago


    Sorry about posting again and again…

    Look at the sign language… Is it okay for us to create any sign? No sign is right. No sign is wrong.

    For example the sign for system…cochlear implant..etc

    In other words we have a right to create new signs like new words?????? It would create a lot of confusion . If we create new signs on our own, no one else understands each other. Playing with words is like playing with signs… It may be exciting , but it will lead more complicated. It may lead to chaos.


  • Harmon P. Menkis 17 years ago

    Re: Sandra # 8 & SGS #9

    Looking at all sides of both (and others as well), SGS #9 is more in line with the way I look at the sufiix hood: Motherhood entails what mothers experience (good, and bad, joy pride & sorrow) being a mother. Fatherhood entails what fathers experience being a father, likewise. Brotherhood, Sisterhood, Childhood, Knighthood, etc entails what is endured and become who (and what) they are.

    We endure to become who we are collectively irrespectively of our backgrounds in growing up, our education, oral, signing and otherwise (as in CI). I guess down the road Noble Peace winners will be labeled “Noblehood” ??

    All the ‘hoods’ go through life experiences, i.e. rites of passage as in the book Passages by Gail
    Sheedy (forgive me if I got the name misspelled). likewise, we experience them collectively, the Good, the Bad, the Ugly (credit Clint Eastwood) ….. We are basically no different in what we experience collectively. We are not deaf in the mind, the heart and the spirit!!

    I truly enjoy the healthy dialogues triggered by Dr. Paddy Ladd.


  • Joey Baer 17 years ago

    Maybe for those who are interested about how new words can be added to the dictionary should go to this link:

    and go to a little before halfway and start with a gentleman, Rory Osbrink (you will see his name being subtitled), and watch his question and Dr. Bahan’s response on how we can put the word in the dictionary.

    I am pretty sure there is a team out there that will decide how new words are being inserted in our dictionary. In that case, we need to do what Dr. Bahan said, to use new word(s) again and again, then it will show up in the dictionary!

    Excellent discussion here my friends.

  • KC 17 years ago

    I understand what is hood for like this in U.K. have Robinhood back 14th century like made a new group fight for the rights. Some said old quote ” Stand up to be British gentleman” pastime in WWII British solider ex POW fight for Japanese. They have the rights to be brave against them like today what they want made name on it like deafhood stand up speak out and any improvment made better the equal rights. What about Solidarity Movement from Poland lead by Lech Walesa , what he did made an independent labour union instrumental in the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.

  • debby 17 years ago

    Your debate is very interesting. I still always keep learning something new every day. I think we need dictionary for the Deaf that Deaf people sign every day that are not in the dictionary. You will probably find at the bookstore, ESL Dictionary (The American Heritage English as a Second Language Dictionary by Houghton Mifflin Company) (Gallaudet Bookstore sells them to students) I think they help some but they do not include ASL structures. It (ESL) is designed for Foreign-speak people who study English. “Hood” in ESL dictionary: noun 1. a soft covering for the head and neck …..2. ….I’ll look under the hood. – to supply or cover … hood – suff. 1. girlhood, falsehood 2. a group sharing a certain condition or quality: sisterhood; priesthood… Deaf (adj.)…1. not able to hear….2…relating to the Deaf or their culture….3..unwilling to listen…. verb..Deaf people considered as a group:a school for the deaf ….
    “Audism” or “Deafhood” are not in A Dictionary of Idioms for the Deaf by American School for the Deaf (Connecticut) which was printed in 1966 (not ASL structure).
    I think Dr. Padd’s definition of Deafhood is Deaf’s best dictionary.

  • Ron 17 years ago

    About 30 years ago, Deaf Power was a buzz word and We are living in changing times with our ASL and English. Dictionaries always will change. (English words slow and ASL fast,,)
    I do welcome the Deafhood as positive image sign and word in our Deaf culture.
    Thank you, Dr Paddy for bringing up that word.

  • Orkid : ) 17 years ago

    Hi Joey –

    If some people continue to argue about using the word “DEAFHOOD,” then why not we simply say
    ASLHOOD if it is use only in USA???

    I like how Dr. Ladd use the word for international purpose. It is all about finding our true self, from bad to good or good to bad. It make perfect sense to call it DEAFHOOD as a way to feel connect, search, accept, and support diversity of Deaf/HH communities.

    – O.

  • Joey Baer 17 years ago



  • patti durr 17 years ago

    new words and signs are created every day – especially when we look at words relating to technology (vlog / blog) – never existed before thus there was never such a word – now there are those words in our every day lexicon

    are they in a printed published dictionary yet – maybe not – it takes time. they are even verbs now – vlogging / blogging

    what usually makes or breaks a word is whether or not it is adopted by a broader group of people

    so audism was coined by t. humphries in the mid 1970s but it laid dormant until h. lanes book mask of benevolence but didnt spread to the masses until the film Audism Unveiled

    Deafhood by paddy in the early 2000s but didnt really start to pick up until the Deafhood workshop trio (GG, DE, and EML) and joey baer’s vlogs

    i know many others have contributed to the spread of these words and terms prior to the big breakthroughs in getting more national / international attention and acceptance – i thank all those folks who did their parts and r still doing so – just wanna acknowledge the role of the MEDIUM and the MESSAGE

    in terms of folks thinking its not a good term – WHAT TERM DO YOU SUGGEST?



  • patti durr 17 years ago

    also – i think perhaps when paddy says “its an English based term and sign” he is talking about the fact that it gets written out in English and he is talking about the “translating” it to another term for other countries (sign and written languages)

    he signs “translate” – it looks like “cook” but i think he is meaning translate / interpret

    and i believe he is saying – other countries / people dont have to get hung up with find an equivelant for the “hood” concept as their language might not have such – instead they should look at what the CONCEPT means

    this is a bit why i keep asking why r we the US Deaf signing Deaf h-o-o-d – it seems not to really respresent the concept but to be stuck – borrowing from the English

    just wondering cuz i really would like mor examining of concepts and SIGNING roots and not getting hung up on English and written dictionaries

    i think first and foremost should be the concept and the sign – the written word can come later




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